What Is Involved in a Deep Tissue Massage?

The fast-paced modern world takes a toll on our physical and psychological health. Constant stress, deadlines, workplace drama, and other daily frustrations don’t just pass through us without doing harm. These experiences will accumulate in our bodies over time,...

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We Love Our Members

You’ve taken your first step towards better health. You’re diligent at making your appointments. You’ve created a buzz on how great you feel after you’ve had your custom massage session. For this and for all your hard work towards creating a healthier lifestyle, here...

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Time to Unwind and Relax

Father’s Day is a day to unwind and relax. A day to feel free from worries and do your own thing. At LaVida Massage, we make you feel; unwound, relaxed, and best of all, worry free all in one session! Massage therapy is exactly what the doctor ordered when you’re...

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Time to Recharge before it begins…

The Holidays are fast approaching and most of us start to feel the anxiety, stress, and the physical pressures it puts on our bodies. One of the most effective ways to treat the onset of “Holiday Syndrome”, as I like to call it, is to nip it before it begins! How do...

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Therapeutic Massage and Stress Relief

April is National Stress Awareness Month, and while many of us may have a handle on it, others do not. Stress happens. It is inevitable and may be unbearable. That is why taking time for yourself is a necessity. It’s important to manage stress and improve your health...

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The Power of Touch Therapy in Managing Cancer

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and as supporters and promoters of all-around wellness, we're big advocates of this cause. It's no doubt that effects of any cancer diagnosis and treatment can cause serious emotional and physical strain that harshly...

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The Perfect Mother’s Day Gift

The relationship that you have with your mother certainly goes through many phases. She has likely been your caregiver, the light of your life, the demon that keeps you from going out with your friends every night, and is constantly trying to extract personal...

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